into your

Leverage Technology
With technology being the answer to most problems these days, why not implement an industry leading system approach.
Refine your Process
With Smartek in place, promote or mandate its use within your workforce by streamlining inductions, site access and much more.
Report on Efficiencies
Receive real time information with custom dashboards, and communicate on change with tailored reports.

How can we add value
to your construction operation?
Construction is one of the most regulated industries within Australia, and that’s why it’s so important to have a tailored system in place to manage as well as create clarity around workforce operations. Ultimately, Smartek is a business management tool designed to relieve the pressures of regulation, management, reporting, security, safety and administration. Each of Smartek’s products perform a reliable and tailored function to compliment your requirements and management processes.

System Insight
The construction industry has the most moving parts out of any, with a variety of contractors performing different jobs all on the same site. Smartek is designed to hold all contractors to the same compliance standard but catering for their unique requirements before scanning onto site. Smartek has the capability to implement your Drug and Alcohol no tolerance policy as well as geo location tracking, and time on site. As a manger overseeing a construction project Smartek gives you the answers, providing confidence that 100% of your workforce has valid insurances and any other questions you may have. Feel in control of your workforce with Smartek.